Click here to download the CORS Station Coordinate List.
Receiver: Trimble Alloy
Antenna: Trimble 59800.00 + SCIT
Access Station Information on APREF and ITRF
Receiver: Trimble Alloy
Antenna: Leica AT504 + LEIS
Access Station Information on APREF
Receiver: Leica GR50
Antenna: Leica AR25.R4 + LEIT
Access Station Information on APREF
Receiver: Leica GR50
Antenna: Leica AR25.R4 + LEIT
Access Station Information on APREF and ITRF
Receiver: Leica GR50
Antenna: Trimble 59800.00 + SCIS
Access Station Information on APREF
Receiver: Leica GR50
Antenna: Leica AR25.R4 + LEIT
Access Station Information on APREF
Receiver: Trimble Alloy
Antenna: Leica AR25.R4 + LEIT
Access Station Information on APREF
Receiver: Leica GR50
Antenna: Leica AR25.R4 + LEIS
Access Station Information on APREF and ITRF
Receiver: LeicaGR50
Antenna: Leica AR25.R4 + LEIT
Access Station Information on APREF and ITRF
Receiver: Leica GR50
Antenna: Leica AR25.R4 + LEIT
Access Station Information on APREF
Receiver: Trimble Alloy and Meridian M66-Lite
Antenna: Trimble 59800.00 +SCIT
Access Station Information on APREF and ITRF
HKSC (Stonecutters Island)
Receiver: Leica GR50
Antenna: Leica AR25.R4 + LEIT
Access Station Information on APREF and ITRF
Receiver: Leica GR50
Antenna: Leica AR25.R4 + LEIT
Access Station Information on APREF , ITRF
and IGS
Receiver: Leica GR50
Antenna: Leica AR25.R4 + LEIT
Access Station Information on APREF
Receiver: Leica GR50
Antenna: Leica AR25.R4 + LEIT
Access Station Information on APREF and ITRF
Receiver: Leica GR50
Antenna: Leica AT504 + LEIS
Access Station Information on APREF
Receiver: Leica GR50
Antenna: Leica AR25.R4 + LEIT
Access Station Information on APREF , ITRF
and IGS
Receiver: Trimble Alloy
Antenna: Leica AR25.R4 + LEIT
Access Station Information on APREF
Receiver: Leica GR50
Antenna: Trimble 59800.00 +SCIT
Access Station Information on APREF