GNSS Raw Data Streams (RTCM Format)

The Hong Kong Satellite Positioning Reference Station Network (SatRef) has been supporting high accuracy positioning applications for public since 2010. The reference stations receive real-time GNSS signals from GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO and BeiDou satellites round-the-clock. The GNSS Real-time raw data streams are then instantaneously disseminated via Open Data Portal and CSDI Portal. They can be acquired by means of NTRIP with the following settings.

Please read the Terms and Conditions of the corresponding Portal before using the service.

Connection Settings

Port: 2101
#Username and Password: No Username and Password are required

#Remarks: Some NTRIP client may not support nil input for the Username and Password fields. User may login using Username: "psi_user" and Password: "psi" instead.

Mountpoint Information

Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM) Standard is used in this service. The rate of Mountpoint is 1 Hz.

Mountpoint Location of Station RTCM Format GPS GLO BDS GAL Site Log
HKCL Chek Lap Kok 3.1 HKCL
HKLM Lamma Island 3.1 HKLM
HKTK Sha Tau Kok 3.1 HKTK
HKKS Kau Sai Chau 3.1 HKKS
HKKT Kam Tin 3.1 HKKT
HKLT Lam Tei 3.1 HKLT
HKMW Mui Wo 3.1 HKMW
HKNP Ngong Ping 3.1 HKNP
HKOH Obelisk Hill 3.1 HKOH
HKPC Peng Chau 3.1 HKPC
HKSC Stonecutters Island 3.1 HKSC
HKSL Siu Lang Shui 3.1 HKSL
HKSS Shap Sze Heung 3.1 HKSS
HKST Sha Tin 3.1 HKST
HKWS Wong Shek 3.1 HKWS
T430 Fanling 3.1 T430
HKCL_32 Chek Lap Kok 3.2 MSM5 HKCL
HKLM_32 Lamma Island 3.2 MSM5 HKLM
HKTK_32 Sha Tau Kok 3.2 MSM5 HKTK
HKKS_32 Kau Sai Chau 3.2 MSM5 HKKS
HKKT_32 Kam Tin 3.2 MSM5 HKKT
HKLT_32 Lam Tei 3.2 MSM5 HKLT
HKMW_32 Mui Wo 3.2 MSM5 HKMW
HKNP_32 Ngong Ping 3.2 MSM5 HKNP
HKOH_32 Obelisk Hill 3.2 MSM5 HKOH
HKPC_32 Peng Chau 3.2 MSM5 HKPC
HKSC_32 Stonecutters Island 3.2 MSM5 HKSC
HKSL_32 Siu Lang Shui 3.2 MSM5 HKSL
HKSS_32 Shap Sze Heung 3.2 MSM5 HKSS
HKST_32 Sha Tin 3.2 MSM5 HKST
HKWS_32 Wong Shek 3.2 MSM5 HKWS
T430_32 Fanling 3.2 MSM5 T430

For more details, please refer to Key Features, Data Dictionary and Source Table.


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